
Upon this rock, I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. -Matthew 16:18

I remember as a child I used to hear
Music that they played Lord with a feel’
Some call it folk, some call it soul
People let me tell you it was rock and roll

– Elvis Presley

I was a child born in the 50’s, a proud “boomer” and I’ve lived through the golden age (60’s-70’s-80’s) of rock-n-roll. I worked in the “music biz” for almost 20 years. As a result, I have been exposed to a depth and breadth of music that is quite incredible.

I believe that musicians and songwriters are blessed with a gift from God, and that pop and rock music has a much deeper and more spiritual meaning than one might see just on the surface. I seek to draw a link between the more spiritual parallels from the words of popular rock songs.

This blog has been percolating in my head and heart for the last several years and I had to get this stuff out and into written form.

I hope you will enjoy these musings and will join in and share your thoughts with me.

Here’s to all the songs in my head and the lyrics in my heart.



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